

Key Points to be Remembered


·         There are many factors affect the time span of planning, among the most important of them:

(a)   The expected degree of change.

(b)   The size and degree of complexity.

(c)   The nature of the product of service.

(d)   The needed and the available resources.


·         There is a relationship between the job level and the timing of planning.


·         There are many methods and techniques for short-term planning, among the most important of them:


(a)  Gantt chart.

(b)  PERT system.


·         Gantt chart is essentially a bar graph with time on the horizontal axis and the resources to be scheduled on the vertical axis.

·         PERT = Program Evaluation and Review Technique: is a network of project activities showing both the estimates of time necessary to complete each activity and the sequence of activities that must be followed to complete the project.

·         There are many steps to be followed for developing the PERT network.