Project Evaluation Form

(Trainees and Report Evaluation, page1/2)




Form 3: PEF # 1




To be filled by: Project supervisor



Frequency: at the end of each Project


Name of the supervisor:  ………………………………………………………………………..

Group code:  …………………………………………………………………………………….

Title of the project:…………………………………………………...………………………….






Trainee Name





1.     The technical level of the trainee





2.     Creativity and thinking  level





3.     Motivation





4.     Planning and organizing





5.     Communication and social-interactive skills





6.     Being positive in the group.





Give a number out of max 5 (use decimals: e.g. 4.3, 3.75). The highest mark is for the positive side of the statement.



To be filled by the supervisor. Please insert below your overall evaluation of the report.


Remarks and Evaluation:














Evaluator Name:  ...........................................................       Date:  ……/……/……

(Presentation Assessment Form, page2/2)




Form 3: PEF # 2




To be filled by: Project supervisor, Trainees, Observer



Frequency: at the end of each project


Name of the supervisor:  ………………………………………………………………………..

Group code:  …………………………………………………………………………………….

Title of the project:…………………………………………………...………………………….


  1. Individuals Evaluation

(Give a number out of max 5, use decimals: e.g. 4.3, 3.75)


Trainee name





1. The speaker shows learning practices and gives new information





2. The speaker’s way stimulates discussion and participation.





3. The speaker clearly states problems and provides full coverage of the topic





4. Personal appreciation of the evaluator






B. Group Evaluation:

5. Degree to which the presentation involves team efforts and group planning


6. The technical/scientific content of the topic


7. How the presentation respected allocated time


8. Quality of the presentation and audiovisual













Evaluator Name:  ...........................................................       Date:  ……/……/