General lecture Evaluation
Form 1: GLEF |
Batch: 8 |
To be filled by: trainees and observer |
Class: A,B,C,D |
Frequency: at the end of each Lecture |
Lecture Name: ........................................... Lecturer(s): …....................................................
Date: from .................
Degree* |
1. Did the lecture increase your knowledge? |
2. Did you feel that the lecture meets your needs? |
3. Would you recommend that other colleagues attend similar lectures? |
4.Lecture content was new to me? |
5.Was the topic interesting? |
6. In general, how do you rate the lecture? |
* Give a number out of max 5 (use decimals: e.g. 4.3, 3.75)
How well did the lecturer(s): |
Degree* |
1. Was presentation logically sequenced? |
2. Used time effectively? |
3. Was the discussion fruitful? |
4. Used handouts. Efficiently? |
5. In general, how do you rate the lecturer? |
List the topics you suggest for the coming lectures:
Any comments and recommendations you feel necessary to develop?
Notes: (for more space, use the back of this sheet)
Evaluator Name: ........................................................... Date: ……/……/……