General lecture Evaluation Form



Form 1: GLEF


Batch:     8


To be filled by: trainees and observer

Class: A,B,C,D


Frequency: at the end of each Lecture


Lecture Name:  ........................................... Lecturer(s):  …....................................................

Date:  from  .................




1.    Did the lecture increase your knowledge?


2.    Did you feel that the lecture meets your needs?


3.    Would you recommend that other colleagues attend similar lectures?


4.Lecture content was new to me?


5.Was the topic interesting?


6. In general, how do you rate the lecture?


* Give a number out of max 5 (use decimals: e.g. 4.3, 3.75)


How well did the lecturer(s):


1.    Was presentation logically sequenced?


2.    Used time effectively?


3.    Was the discussion fruitful?


4.    Used handouts. Efficiently?


5.    In general, how do you rate the lecturer?



List the topics you suggest for the coming lectures:

  1. ..............................................................................................................................................
  2. ..............................................................................................................................................
  3. ..............................................................................................................................................


Any comments and recommendations you feel necessary to develop?














Notes: (for more space, use the back of this sheet)


Evaluator Name:  ...........................................................       Date:  ……/……/……