
Pathways to Higher Education Project

Highlights on the Impact Assessment


This highlights the efforts made by PHE Management team to measure the impact of implementing the program on the different concerned stakeholders, including but not limited to; proof of the program effectiveness, whether more underrepresented students are entering and graduating as compared to before program implementation, and its impact on policy related issues. In addition, data systems are in place and contain all the information needed for impact assessment, and much more, and the data is collected/updated periodically through a rigorous mechanism.

Highlights on the Impact Assessment of Pathways to Higher Education (PHE) in Egypt Ford Foundation Grant No.: 1020-1912-2, Feb 2008


Sample of Impact Reports Submitted by Pathways graduates:
A- English Reports



Report on the Impact of Pathways Training on the Educational Process, Hanan Abdel-Fattah Badr, Cairo University, May 2007.

Once upon a time in Egypt, Anand Gopinath, University of York, UK, September 2008. 2
Personal Report, Saker ELNOUR, Ph.D Candidate, Nanterre Université de Paris, South-Valley University, Egypt, October 2008. 3
Effect of DTMS Pathways training and its difference from my Erasmus Mundus scholarship in Europe, Mariz Onsy Samy, Helwan University, February, 2009 4


B- Arabic Reports



طريق الأمل، محمود حسان عبدالبصير، جامعة المنيا، أكتوبر 2008 1
أحد مبادرات خريجى المشروع لتدريب الأطفال 2