Pathways to Higher Education Project


Center for Advancement of Postgraduate

 Studies and Research in Engineering Sciences,

Faculty of Engineering - Cairo University


Statistical Data


Prof. Dr. Amany Mousa


Table of Contents


Acknowledgement and Foreword

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 The Growth of Modern Statistics

1.2 The Study of Statistics

1.3 Descriptive Statistics and Statistical Inference

1.4 The Nature of Statistical Data

Chapter 2: Data Collection and Sampling

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Sources of Data

2.3 Sampling

2.4 Sampling Plans

2.5 Errors Involved in Sampling

2.6 Summary

Chapter 3: Summarizing Data Listing and Grouping

3.1 Listing Numerical Data

3.2 Stem-And-Leaf-Display

3.3 Frequency Distributions

3.4 Graphical Presentation

3.5 Measures of Association

3.6 Summarizing Two-Variable Data

Chapter 4: Summarizing Data: Measures of Location

4.1 Populations and Samples

4.2 The Mean

4.3 The Weighted Mean

4.4 The Median

4.5 Other Fractiles

4.6 The Mode

4.7 The Description of Grouped Data

Chapter 5: Summarizing Data: Measures of Variation

5.1 The Range

5.2 The Variance and the Standard Deviation

5.3 The Description of Grouped Data

5.4 Some Further Descriptions

Chapter 6: Simple Linear Regression and Correlation

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Model

6.3 Least Squares Method

6.4 Assessing the Model

6.5 Using the Regression Equation

6.6 Coefficients of Correlation

Chapter 7: Cross Table Analysis

7.1 Chi-Squared Test of a Contingency Table

7.2 Expected Frequencies for a Contingency Table

Chapter 8: Price and Quantity Indexes

8.1 Price Index by Method of Weighted Aggregates

8.2 Price Index by Method of Weighted Average of Relatives

8.3 Considerations in Compiling Index Series

8.4 Uses of Price Indexes

8.5 Quantity Indexes




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